When people don't understand controls.

No controle (in control)

I had an interesting situation occur today. 

Recently I've been in discussion with an organisation who want me to do some work for them. As part of this, they set up a new e-mail account for me on their domain email system. I received the confirmation e-mail details from a third party supplier who deals with setting these things up for them. The third-party supplier had sent my username, e-mail, POP details, SMTP details, and other e-mail information to me, in an e-mail, in plain text. In addition, they had copied in two members of the third party and my potential future client contact. One of the third party addresses was a generic e-mail account for "IT Support". 

So far, so straightforward.

Then I wrote back to the 3rd-party asking how can I change my e-mail password because it was sent in plain text to several people, most of whom I don't know and wouldn't trust. Their reply?  "There is no way of changing your e-mail details. It's our policy." When I pointed out, from a process point of view, how much of a risk and liability this was, the organisation said that because theirs was a small business and everybody knew each other "it was okay". 

Basically this organisation has now said to me (in not so many words) "We are setting up an email account for you. The password details are know to several members of the organisation, you can't change them and we're comfortable with that."  The logical extension of this was that I personally now have no further accountability for anything sent from my e-mail account as I couldn't guarantee that I was the only person using it.

The next communication I received from this organisation was a note telling me they were terminating their agreement with me and we would no longer be working together.

Which I am actually quite pleased about.

Can you imagine the situation if something went out to a client under my e-mail account and it said something inaccurate, derogatory, racist, sexist, libelous, rude or illegal? The fact that it was under my name would immediately throw the finger of suspicion on me, whereas - in effect - anyone in the host company IT department could have sent it.

Of course my contact in the organisation was working on the basis that 'It won't happen because we trust each other', and I understand that. But trust in an organisation will last until an employee feels disgruntled, has been badly treated, or decides they no longer want to play by the rules. This increases dramatically when you bring in a third party IT service provider who has no vested interest in me as an individual.

All in all the situation was fraught with potential for disaster.

But it did bring up the bigger process question about controls. A process will only work well if it is controlled appropriately. This doesn't mean it needs lots and lots of checks and balances at all points, but it does need something in there to ensure that the actual outcome of a process is the same as the required outcome.

In audit terms this could be something such as segregation of duties (making sure no single role has too much power to be able to subvert the outcome), or appropriate authorisation (ensuring that there is more than one signature required on a check, for example). No single control will work for every step of a process, but taking an overall look at the process and understanding which are the key controls that are needed is one way of building integrity into the process itself.

How many of your processes have appropriate controls built in?

Reminder: 'The Perfect Process Project Second Edition' is now available. Don't miss the chance to get this valuable insight into how to make business processes work for you. Click this link and follow the instructions to get this book.

All information is Copyright (C) G Comerford
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