Top posts for January 2012

Nailed it!  My picture is a perfect 10!
The top posts on The Process Cafe for January 2012 were:

1) Silo Thinking and Why it is Bad - A perennial favourite
2) Ten BPM blogs you should be following. This is closely linked to the BPM Blacklist
3) What are your criteria for choosing a BPM tool?
4) Seven ways PI's can make your process worse - a guest post from Bernie Smith at
5) As is vs To Be. One of my personal favourite entries
6) The Two Axioms explained. In which I explain my assertion that there are two key axioms in BPM. 1) There are a large number of process issues that are common amongst most companies, regardless of market sector and line of business. 2) Most people in the company know what their process issues are but don't address them.
7) The Top Ten Tips for Business Process projects
8) Bowling and BPM: All Style and No Skill. In which I equate BPM users to ten pin bowlers.
9) More reasons to document your As Is.
10) Why SaaS pricing will kill BPM in the Cloud

What is interesting looking at some of these is that they are - with minimal exceptions - generally reasonably old posts. The most up-to-date of these is number 4 which was a guest post from January, but the top entry dates right the way back to January 2010.

Thank you, everyone, for reading this blog. I know I don't update it as often as I used to, but the statistics indicate that the original entries I made are the most popular and are the ones that people keep coming back to look at.

Reminder: 'The Perfect Process Project Second Edition' is now available. Don't miss the chance to get this valuable insight into how to make business processes work for you. Click this link and follow the instructions to get this book.

All information is Copyright (C) G Comerford
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