Looking for Consultancy?

What is the business problem you are trying to solve?

  • Is it to improve your workflow and remove wastage
  • Is it to increase efficiency?
  • Is it just to document where you are with your current processes?

Are you looking to implement a new software package?
Are you sure there is something wrong but can't quite put your finger on it?

Maybe you need a little bit of expert assistance?

GCP Consulting (the parent entity of The Process Cafe) is a boutique consulting company which is focused in providing BPA and BPM consulting services to industry.

So what does that mean for me?

Well it basically means if you have one of the problems detailed above and don't know what to do about it, or even if you have the vague suspicion that you need to do something  process oriented and don't know how to start, get in touch with us.

Why would you go through GCP Consulting?

Let's cut to the chase and answer the big questions:

What do the bigger consultancy services offer you that GCP Consulting doesn't?
Answer: More bodies. Higher Costs.

What does GCP Consulting offer you that the big consultancy services don't?
Answer: Lower costs. Personal service.

Do you think a few days of consulting focused on your issues and solutions for your company is worth a small amount of consultancy fees? Would you get peace of mind through something like this?

GCP Consulting has been in business for almost three years. In that time we have worked with Government organisations, banking organisations, BPM vendors and national rail operators to help them understand the business of working within a Business Process framework. We have helped sell BPA products, helped multi-site, multi-disciplinary projects amalgamate complex processes into a single Shared Services Centre, and worked with offshore banking organisations to understand how they could benefit from managing their business processes.

In the meantime we have also literally written the book on how Process Management Projects should be managed to ensure success

The larger consulting firms try to enforce a strict methodology on the firms they work with. This is usually a methodology that works best for the consulting firms rather than for the company doing the project. GCP Consulting believe that  this is wrong.

With us you can use your own methodology for running your project. We can help define that methodology if you want. But we won't mandate our own.

What now?

If you want to be in business with GCP Consulting then let's get together and have a chat. I can be contacted using the details below.

I'm happy to chat on a no obligation basis and - if we do decide to do business together I'll even throw in a days free consultancy to get your started.

Contact me on G_Comerford at GCP-consulting.com
Call on (44) 845 8331179

All information is Copyright (C) G Comerford

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