When I started this Business Process Blog earlier this year the intention was to write about Business Process work. Putting a blog together would be a way of crystallizing my thoughts and presenting them to the mass populace (or those who cared to sit and read it, anyway)
As part of this I have news feeds which I read (and some of which I link into this page at the right hand side), but it sees to me that the actual news about Business Process that I can blog about is getting less and less.
A large proportion of the items that come through on the news feeds relate to new products or new companies moving into this lucrative and expanding area. A lot of them are niche players (as defined by Gartner's "Magic Quadrant"), but some of them are pretty major (the takeover of Provision by Metastorm last year, for example, effectively positions it to be one of the more complete and major players in the market).
Further more a lot of the other (excellent) blogs that are out there in this area discuss topics that have arisen through the authors attendance at conferences and seminars. Most of these are US based and a lot of them are expensive to visit - certainly out of my price bracket despite the income I get from this blog.
But that's not what I'm looking to blog about. I want to get down to the nitty gritty. I want to talk about problems and issue with Business Process work. I want to discover new ways of doing traditional things.
As a result you may find some changes with this blog. I will be looking at a redesign in the near future - mainly to get the look and feel a little closer to what I want it to be. But also to make sure I am focusing on the things I think you want me to write about.
So if you're looking at this blog for the first time (or if you've subscribed through my RSS feed and have never actually been back here since then), let me know the kind of things you would like to see on here.
I appreciate the feedback!
(Photo Courtesy of Iain Farrell)