Friday Review 11th December 2009

Here are some of the links posted over on the Process Cafe Posterous this week1

AIIM BPM Industry Watch 2009 Report – Released - The 2009 AIIM BPM industry watch report is now released. Register and download your copy from their website now. I'll be making reference to some of the figures in this in an article I'm writing for the new year. Stay tuned for more.

A history of manufacturing & ERP software - Timeline - This came across my desk recently and - whilst it isn't strictly a process related matter,  I wanted to send it out to you all to see if we can 'crowdsource' a more complete and definitive answer

Process Mash-up's - Love 'em or loath 'em - Why - when demonstrating a process 'application' - whether a mash-up or a BPMS developed application, is it always a document approval that is modeled?

Extending ARIS Business Simulator- A video on Simulation in the ARIS BPM toolset, produced by the company that wrote the original ARIS simulator software

Business Process Outsourcing Mistakes /  IT Outsourcing Magazine - 10 mistakes that companies doing BPO make. Some of these are excellent ('New process and old process co-exist together') but all are worth reading.

Survey Highlights Why Johnny Can't Manage a Business Process | Blogs | - Focusing on the needs of the customer is the easiest way to manage your business process effectively.

The Evolution of Organizational Process - IT Management - An interesting piece on process management and the challenge of managing these organisationally (A topic I will be covering in my series 'The Unseen Side of Process Projects')

Questetra BPM Suite, Workflow for Google Apps - A multi-part walk though focused on how to define and map your business processe. It's a little "Process 101" but well written and accurate. Not too sure about the quality of the graphics and layout though. You decide.

1 The Process Cafe Posterous is a place for linking to process related articles written by other people that don't merit a full post on the Process Cafe

Continuing Monday :

A  series of posts on The Unseen Side of the Process Project. Don't miss out on this new set of articles identifying key process project failures and how to deal with them. Make sure you are subscribed either through RSS or email. Click the appropriate icon on the right of the screen to subscribe.

All information is Copyright (C) G Comerford

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