Six Sigma: Friend or Foe - Adam, my friend, you are a very brave man taking on the Six Sigma boys. Oh, the comments you're going to get! Funny article, though.
Where Does a Process Start? - Another great blog post from Jim Sinur asking a pertinent question "Where does a process start?"
BPM: The Future of BPMS - Some great little items on a wishlist from Adam Deane. Not totally sure about making Outlook the central tool in the arsenal though. How many of these do you agree with?
Is There Really an Enterprise Architecture Market? - A few salient observations from Mark McGregor on the state of EA following his visit to the recent Gartner EA conference. Is he right? Is the market disappearing?
< 1 The Process Cafe Espresso Shots is a place for linking to process related articles written by other people that don't merit a full post on the Process Cafe but are still worth your time reading. Sort of an espresso shot of 'The Process Cafe'-eine.